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    The Funnel – 10 Secrets of Extraordinary Church Growth (Secret #2)

    10 Secrets of Extraordinary Church Growth

    Secret 2 – Poor Foundations Yield Poor Results

    This is a 10 part teaching series that covers all of the chapters (all 10 secrets of extraordinary church growth) from the influential book, The Funnel, written by Ross Turner, CEO & Founder of Vibrant Agency. This book shows the proven methods for using digital marketing for churches. Using branding, team leadership, social media, website, and paid ads to help a church bring their message to their community.

    If you would like to learn more about Ross, or to contact us, please do so using the following:

    Ross Turner Instagram: @ross.turner.official

    Vibrant Agency Instagram: @vibrantagency

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    Secret #2 – Poor Foundations Yield Poor Results

    church media company, best church media company

    There is a tool that you can use to continuously grow your church with new people, and it is called the funnel. But before I give you the rundown on the funnel and you become a genius at marketing your church, there are some foundational pieces that you really need to get right. You may remember a certain teaching about building your house upon a firm foundation.

    The same applies to your church marketing.

    Let’s do a deep dive on your marketing foundations. Here is a hard truth: if your church doesn’t have the topics in this blog post dialed in—it doesn’t matter how good your marketing is—your church won’t have long-term, sustainable growth.

    However, if you get the foundations described in this teaching right, there is a chance that your church could grow in numbers over the long haul, even without doing any marketing or advertising at all. That’s how important these foundations are. The only thing that marketing and advertising will do is make growth happen more quickly. Countless businesses and ministries have contacted our team to help reach new numerical growth goals, and the very first thing we do is analyze the foundations. I am never surprised to hear when a church has done a lot of marketing and advertising with little to no results, because it almost always means that their marketing and branding isn’t built on a firm foundation.

    It is easy to change your marketing. It is nearly impossible to change your reputation.

    Good news: nothing is impossible with God. If you focus on the foundational principles of branding and culture, then add the marketing funnel, you will see the fruits that you have been wanting to see. It is hard to go back to the start, but it is worth it!

    In this blog post we are going to discuss how to build firm foundations by:

    1. Defining your target audience.

    2. Setting specific goals.

    3. Creating your culture.

    4. Celebrating invites.

    5. Embracing being digital.

    6. Learning your personality.

    Through this foundation, your community will learn who and what your church is about. The marketing only helps get the word out.

    Pro Tip – Consider having your team read this chapter with you and give their input on your ministry’s foundations. Make it a team collaboration to get an honest evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of what you are trying to build on.


    Define Your Target Audience



    vibrant agency, church social media company

    Every single person in your city, within a fifty-mile radius…that’s your target audience. Right? If that is your mindset, you have an uphill battle in front of you. Don’t get me wrong, you certainly want to see every man, woman, and child come to know Jesus through your church. As Christians, we love everyone! But here is the crazy truth: to reach more people, focus on fewer people. Your church is going to make a much deeper impact on your community if you tailor the entire experience to a specific demographic. It seems counterintuitive, I know.

    Keep reading.

    When I started my first marketing company I had no intention of making it an agency specifically for ministries. Sure, I wanted to help churches, but I also wanted to have clients in numerous other industries. The more business types that we would serve, the bigger our company would be. So I thought. Initially I designed our website and our marketing to showcase the great pricing and offers we had, but I never specified what kind of industry we specialized in. I didn’t want to exclude anyone.

    We were a marketing agency for any and all businesses.

    But unfortunately our marketing was totally failing. I was confused as to why very few people were clicking on our ads, and we were barely getting any sales from our website. It was completely deflating. Why couldn’t I get clients when our prices were cheaper than our competitors, and our service was better?

    What the heck?

    After some prayer and reflection, I felt that God had put a passion in my heart to help churches. I really didn’t have lasting fulfillment helping the kinds of businesses that I had been serving, so maybe God was leading me into a new thing.

    I realized that I was tired of spending all of my time helping businesses that I had no passion for. However, the church is something that excites me—it’s something I do have a passion for. In the past, I had been on staff at a few churches, and both my wife and I grew up in ministry. Ministry has always been our number one thing, so the idea of being able to put everything I’ve learned about marketing into helping churches and being a resource for church leaders sounded incredible! But to be honest, I genuinely felt that it was too niche of a market to be sustainable for a business. I thought that there wouldn’t be enough clients for me to grow a successful agency.

    But I went for it.

    I launched our new entity called Vibrant Agency and made it 100% focused on exclusively serving the marketing and media needs of churches. I stayed up all night (quite literally) and put together our whole website and set up our social media profiles. By dawn, Vibrant Agency was officially a full-service media and marketing agency for churches, and only for churches. The next day, I opened my computer and launched three different Instagram and Facebook ads exclusively for pastors. It felt so weird having such a small niche audience. I really didn’t think it would work.

    I was in for a huge shock.

    To my amazement I was getting a hundred times the amount of leads, web traffic, and conversions than I was just two days before. I signed on our first church in less than one week of this new launch. Even though our ads targeted fewer people, we grew exponentially.


    Fast forward 10 years later. As of 2023, we are now one of the nation’s leading marketing agencies for churches. How cool is that? Although I greatly reduced the number of people in the target audience I was advertising to, our marketing was now much more effective. Why is that? It’s because we were now the specialist to that niche audience. Our target audience knew we were the right fit for them. We spoke the language of pastors and church leaders, and they felt more comfortable partnering with us because we had their trust. We were their people.

    Sometimes you have to become smaller in order to get bigger.

    This story goes to show that highly defining your target audience does not mean fewer people, it means more. When you define the exact type of person that you want to tailor your church’s experience for, you are much more likely for that person to feel like you “get” them. They will be proud to be a part of your church, because they feel like they belong. You are their people. Take the plunge and make your whole strategy based on one specific type of person, and become the best for them. You can’t be the best for everyone; just be the very best for one demographic.

    But wait, there is good news. Even though you focus on one demographic, that doesn’t mean you will only reach that one person type. Other demographics will also be served by and attracted to your church. I am constantly amazed by how many people don’t fit into our cultural norms. I see people that don’t fit certain stereotypes—wearing brands, attending events, or watching shows that I would have never guessed that they would like. You don’t have to worry that your church will end up only serving a specific type of person, or that everyone else will feel out of place. This is just about making your marketing specific. You will still have a well-rounded congregation, and people will still feel like they belong, even if they are outside of your defined target audience. Don’t be all things to all people, but find who you truly are and go all in with that.

    Here are a few examples of a well-defined target audience:

    – Young couples with children under ten years old

    – Men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty who have a worldly past

    – Established professionals in their forties

    – Local college-aged students

    You need to be prayerful and strategic when deciding who your target audience is. There must be a combination of natural intuition and seeking God’s leading. Sometimes your location makes the choice easier for you. If you live in a college town filled with hip twenty-three-year-olds, that might be who you target. Maybe your area is filled with business professionals or young families. Take your natural demographics into consideration, pray about it, and define your target audience.

    If you define, your numbers will climb. (You like that?)

    Pro Tip – Whoever you decide is your target audience, use photos of that demographic on your website and social media feed as much as possible.


    Set Specific Goals



    best christian marketing company

    If you want to succeed, you need to know exactly what success means for your church. Without clearly-defined and measurable goals, it will be difficult to know if your marketing is working.

    This is not a book on goal setting, but I want to briefly touch on how to set specific goals for tracking numerical church growth. Using the funnel to grow your ministry is a long game, and is not easily measured using short-term metrics. However, there are benchmarks that you should focus on as you monitor your progress.

    There are three steps for setting and achieving specific goals within your marketing:

    1. Define the growth goal.

    2. Track your progress.

    3. Adjust the funnel to achieve success.

    Define the church growth goal.

    The first thing to do is define what your specific goal is, and then reverse engineer it. Your goal may be to increase the weekend service attendance by 15% each year. Or your goal might be to increase your engagement and following on social media. Maybe your goal is to increase your livestream views or to increase the global reach of your ministry, reaching beyond your local community. Each of these goals will have their own unique way of measuring and tracking progress. For the purpose of this section, we are going to focus on the specific goal of increasing weekend service attendance. Churches should define a growth percentage for the year rather than a monthly goal.

    As everyone in ministry knows, attendance varies greatly from season to season. Summer is traditionally lower than the fall. Easter is high, spring break is low…you know how it goes.

    With weekend church attendance, the biggest goal that you should focus on is the year-to-year growth percentage. Because of the variation of seasons, weather, and local events, you shouldn’t put too much stock in month-by-month numbers.

    Quarterly reports are a much better way to track your progress and help you know if you should adjust your marketing to hit your yearly goal. But you have to have a specific percentage goal first. Once you have a specific yearly percentage goal, how do you know if you are growing at the right pace to meet your goal?

    Track your church marketing progress.

    In order to really track your progress, be sure that you have accurate attendance numbers for each service. It should be someone’s job to take a head count during each service, and further break it down by first-time guests, kids’ ministry, youth ministry, and main service attendance. Log the number of salvations each week so you have something to celebrate later on. Each week, this person should put these numbers into a spreadsheet or database. Although this may seem tedious, these numbers are going to be crucial moving forward in your marketing decisions. You have to know if you need to make any adjustments to your advertising budget to help hit your goals.

    It will be very important to have a strong first-time guest system in place at your church. You don’t want to be the kind of church that gets a lot of first-time guests but doesn’t keep them. A common belief is that it takes someone four services in a row for them to stick. So you need to have a strong next-step plan for new guests that helps keep them engaged for the first four weeks. You want to make sure that your emphasis is a great balance between trying to gain first-time guests, and also making sure to fully retain the visitors you have.

    Be sure to offer an awesome gift to all first-time visitors. The gift is strategic because it helps get data and contact information, which you need for your follow-up plan. Make it a great gift, and be creative with it. Some churches give hoodies, hats, or coffee mugs. These are great! You can consider giving out small gift cards, or even just a candy bar will do the trick when you’re on a budget.

    While you’re connecting with first-time guests, ask them where they first found out about the church. This is incredibly helpful! Statistics say that it takes at least seven impressions before someone takes action on an advertising campaign. Most of the time, new visitors will have had multiple “touches” of your church before they take action. Some people will first see you on social media, and then maybe hear about you at work, and then see some Facebook ads, then finally they will be invited by someone personally. The hope is that they will see your church all over the place. If your first-time guest says that the reason they came is because they were invited by a friend, it is likely that they said “yes” not just because of the invitation, but also because they have been seeing marketing on other platforms as well. It takes more than an ad or a mailer. When everything works together, that is when the magic happens.

    This is why marketing is a long game, and is best measured from a year-to-year metric. It takes a lot of touches before a decision happens.

    Adjust the funnel.

    What should you do if you get through the first two quarters of the year and you are behind the pace of your annual growth goal? This is the beauty of the funnel—it is scalable. Once you understand the funnel, you will know how to adjust it to better meet your goals. The funnel will show you how many advertising dollars it costs to get one new guest, and you can increase or decrease the marketing budget to achieve your annual goal. If you are needing to boost your growth by an additional ten guests per weekend, you can increase your budget and speed up your funnel. However, if you are growing rapidly, you can slow down the funnel if you want. This does actually happen! We recently had a church in Ohio ask us to stop running the funnel ads because they were growing too quickly, and they needed to slow down the pace.

    Whether you have a large marketing budget or nearly no budget at all, you can still use the funnel to attract new guests, but you will only know to make adjustments if you diligently track your numbers. If your goals are not specific and measurable, then you won’t know if the marketing is working.

    Set specific goals. Measure your progress. You’ll thank me later.


    Pro Tip – If your first-time guest gift is really great, people will be willing to give you their contact information. Ask them if they saw your ads on social media and have an intern or volunteer follow up with them by sending a direct message inviting them to an upcoming event. If the relationship started online, they might feel comfortable taking next steps that way too.


    Create Your Culture



    We’ve talked about setting strategic goals, and how valuable it is. Part of understanding how to set your goals is to know what the culture of your church really is. What are the benefits of being unique and different as a church? Every church I have consulted says they are “different,” and in many subtle ways they certainly are, but being unique and different only helps if it has an intentional strategy behind it.

    A church on a specific mission is attractive. People don’t want to come to church just to be spiritually fed, but they want to be a part of something big. Your church will become known in the community for something, and it is really hard to change that perspective once it is developed. How people feel about your church is what the industry calls your brand. I’m not talking about your logo, I am talking about your brand—who people perceive you to be.

    There is good news. You can control the narrative if you are careful.

    You need to pick a specific purpose. Of course all churches have the same big-picture goals. At least they should. We all want to see people give their lives to Jesus, and be changed by the Gospel. That’s what we want. We are not talking about changing that part. The purpose and cultural uniqueness that you should focus on within your church is much more subtle. Most people who have been touched and changed by Jesus want to give back. They want to make an impact on others.

    If your church has a special mission, it helps to establish your culture and your community perspective. People usually don’t become deeply rooted in a church simply because they enjoy the worship or the teaching. They stay when they believe in the mission of the church, and they feel like they are a part of the culture. They want to be proud to be a part of your church, and this happens when you intentionally establish your culture. A joint mission builds culture.

    Let me break it down by giving you some examples. It will be tempting to say that you want to have all of these missions, but try and find a specific one. A clearly-defined mission helps people buy in. Certainly you can serve and minister in all of these areas, but have just one of these focus points be the primary ministry. Trust me when I say, you want to narrow your focus to one primary mission. This is how to build a uniform culture.

    Here are some examples of key missions that help build the culture in your church:

    1- Focus on the poor and homeless.

    Deciding that your church is going to put extra emphasis on the poor and homeless is a great way to help the community and establish a culture that people can really get behind.

    Creating ministries to help shelter the homeless and programs to help get them back on their feet is a great idea. You could buy buses and start shuttling in people to your services each

    Sunday from areas of town that have a large homeless population. Sometimes having special offerings where people can give to a specific homeless shelter is a great idea too. These are all things that people get excited about and help them know what your church stands for. If this is on your heart, make it a special point of emphasis for your church, and people will be eager to make a difference.

    2- Focus on your community.

    Being a church that is in love with your city and local community is a great way to get people to really connect. Having a presence at local farmers’ markets, city-wide events, rallies, and festivals are some great ways to build this culture. Most people love where they live and have a heart to help improve their city and reach the lives of the people who live there. You could have part of your tagline be something like “We Love San Diego” or make frequent references to your city on social media. To be a part of a church that pours into their community can really mean a lot to people. Many churches will spend an entire week, or even month, putting on “serve days” where the church goes into the community to show love to their city. This builds culture in a strong and deep way. If this is your focus point, people should know without a doubt that joining your church means they are going to be asked to give back to the community in some way. Through your church, your community will be impacted, and people will feel deeply fulfilled.

    3- Focus on families.

    Having a church that has a special emphasis on a strong family life can be one of the healthiest missions possible. Having frequent message series revolving around marriage, parenting, and family dynamics helps build a culture that people can really embrace. Make this your church’s special mission by putting your resources into the kids and youth areas of your facility.

    Make it great.

    Put on special events for kids and teens, and even date nights for couples. When your church focuses on being the church for families, you will let first-time guests know that they are making a wise move for their family if they join your church. People will know that your church is a place that grows healthy families.

    4- Focus on art & creativity.

    This one might surprise you to be on this list. It doesn’t seem as altruistic and spiritual as the others, and I get that.

    Some of the largest and most globally influential churches that I have worked with have services that are incredibly artistic,

    and creativity is celebrated. If I started listing them, you would instantly know who I was talking about. The music is unique and really high quality. The decor of the church is beautiful and unlike traditional churches. The graphics and videos are also so unique and compelling. If your church has a celebration of a creative culture, you will attract like-minded people. People who come to your church will know that it is a great place for them to express themselves.

    This list is not in any way meant to be an exhaustive list, and there are probably a hundred different focus missions that you could choose. But it is important to think about your community and what matters to them. Whatever God has built your church to be, that is what your unique culture should be.

    Be about something, or you are about nothing.

    All of these areas are great and are needed, and your church can still serve multiple missions, but when you choose one specific area to be your key focus point, you will see a culture start to develop. It takes intentionality to create a culture within your church, and once that catches on, it will become known in the community as well.

    Decide what you are known for, or it will be decided for you.

    Or worse, you won’t be known for anything.

    Pro Tip – Redo your tagline to include what your mission is all about.


    Learn Your Personality



    What people think of your church is deeply tied to what they think of the lead pastor. In fact, it is not often that churches fully survive a change of lead pastors, because the culture of the church is so closely tied to that one person. People will always trust the person more than they will trust the logo. It’s part of your job, if you’re the lead pastor, to work on your personality, because it affects your ability to reach new people.

    It is hard to follow a leader who is not likable.

    Obviously, right?

    Many pastors whom we have worked with want to create working systems, marketing campaigns, and a Sunday experience that all flow well together, but it just doesn’t seem to catch on. Why not? If these same systems work for many others, why does it not work for them? The bailout answer is to blame it on your city and local culture. But sometimes there is a bigger problem, and it is the leadership.

    If your church is new or small, you do not have the luxury of hiding behind systems. In smaller churches, almost everyone in the church will need a personal connection to the pastor at some level. Simply put, if you are the lead pastor, your church members have to like you personally before they are going to receive from you spiritually. You need to build up the relationship equity with people, which takes work.

    You may ask, why is this relevant in a book about church marketing? It is because everything works together, whether you realize it or not. As a pastor, you should think of it like this: a lot of the people who follow your church’s Instagram account, will then follow your personal account as well. In fact, many of the posts on your personal profile will actually get more engagement than the posts on the church’s profile. This is because people long to know you personally. By being a lead pastor, you have given up the right to be antisocial, at least in the beginning phases of your church.

    The next time you are thinking about content to put out on social media, don’t just think in terms of posting on the church’s profile. There should be content also coming directly from your personal account. And if you don’t want to film videos because you are uncomfortable in front of a camera, then you might be in the wrong job. I implore you to not just work on marketing systems and strategies, but to work on yourself.

    I know it will be hard for some of you who are not naturally social, or are highly introverted. But get in the trenches and be involved in people’s lives. Go to birthday parties with other families. Have people over to your house for barbecues. Go to kids’ baseball games. Have coffee with someone, and be real about life. Be vulnerable. Be a leader not just behind a desk, but be a friend to as many people as you can. People have to know you, and people have to like you. It is part of the job of expanding the influence and reach of your church. It is part of building your culture and your brand.

    Pro Tip – Block off two times per week to meet with families from your church for coffee or some social activity. If it is on the calendar, it will be more likely to happen.


    Celebrate Invites



    church marketing agency, why would someone stay at your church?

    You can have all of the marketing in the world, get the culture right, and even have the best sermons and the most lovable pastor ever, but until your people start inviting their friends, co-workers, and family to church, you will be disappointed at the pace of your church growth. There is nothing like good, old-fashioned word of mouth to foster growth, and to do that, you need invites.

    You need to make a big deal about invites. You need to celebrate invites. You even need to preach about the value of invites. It really is that important. For some reason, people don’t remember to invite people unless they are asked. So ask. And then ask again. Your whole church should know that they are in this to reach people, and inviting people is a huge part of growing God’s Kingdom.

    There are many ways that you can build a precedent that emphasizes inviting people. You should treat first-time guests like royalty. Talk to them, introduce them to people, have someone take them out to lunch. Make sure your church members know that each guest should feel welcomed, celebrated, and comfortable. This makes the guest have a pleasant experience in what normally might be an uncomfortable one. But even more importantly, this also sets a standard that makes members comfortable and confident in bringing their guests to church. If they know that their guests are going to be treated like royalty, they will want to invite people.

    Since you are tracking your numbers, share these victories with the congregation. Every month you should share the great news of how many new people came to the church. Celebrate even more when you follow it up with how many of them were invited by a friend! Make it exciting. Positive reinforcement will cause an increase in your invite numbers over the long haul.

    If you celebrate the invites, the invites will increase.

    Pro Tip – Make a quarterly video of a family whose lives were changed once they started coming to your church. And make sure that the person who invited them for the first time is a part of the video so others can see how big of an impact they can make in the church and in people’s lives.


    Embrace Being Digital



    Before social media and iPhones came around, your church could simply put all the focus on having an awesome Sunday service. If someone missed it, bummer for them. But even though inviting guests and attending church on-campus is great, times have changed, and church attendance looks differently than it used to. These are exciting times!

    Like it or not, people are connecting with their “home church” differently now. You should stop trying to fight it. Now more than ever, people are getting spiritually fed by podcasts, YouTube messages, and social media content. Not just on Sunday mornings. And maybe that’s ok.

    This could be an advantage for your church, not a problem.

    Wait, what?

    You might be thinking, I want people to show up on Sundays, and instead they are staying home and watching our livestream. This is not what we wanted. Our real church family are those who come in person.

    I get it, but you are dead wrong.

    The local church is never going away, but the way you deliver your message needs to adapt.

    Adapting isn’t compromising.

    Adapting is smart.

    Jesus wasn’t preaching on a stage with an LED wall behind him, with the perfect amount of haze in the air. We adapted to current technologies, and now we use all of the technology we can in church. It is not bad, it is great!

    Why then are we so often resistant to change?

    When I first wrote this book, our planet had just been completely turned upside down. Almost every restaurant, school, and even church has been mandated by the government to temporarily close its doors. I originally wrote this chapter in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic that has changed our world—a virus so contagious that we have been forced to have church exclusively online, work from home every day, and parents have now stepped into the world of homeschooling. And worst of all, it happened right before Easter. As terrible as this situation has been, I know there are going to be some lasting impacts for the church. For the first time, we are going to fully focus on doing ministry online. Our primary ministry is going to happen with cameras and phones. I believe this season is going to be a catalyst that changes us and helps us realize that church is much more than a building.

    In the secular business world, the companies that make it the easiest to buy their products, win. The path of least resistance will always succeed in the end. Would you rather spend two hours in Walmart buying groceries and home goods, including impulse buys that will break your perfectly planned budget, or would you rather order everything you need from Amazon and have it delivered to your front door? Would people rather get dressed up, drive to church, drop off their kids, and then hear your message, or would it be easier if they could just grab their phones and listen at home?

    I know I just made all of you mad, so here is the disclaimer: gathering together as believers is both highly important, and very biblical. Mature Christians get that. But what about the people who are just testing the waters? It is for them that we adapt. Once someone matures in their faith, they will then understand why we are called to physically gather together. But until then, let’s make receiving the Gospel message as easy as possible.


    The value of your church is much deeper than where the person is physically sitting when they listen to your message.

    It is about the joint mission, the community and relationships, and the gathering of the saints, but it is not doing you any good to be nostalgic about where the people are when they hear your message.

    You need to shift your perspective.

    Your church doesn’t just meet on Sundays at a single defined physical location anymore.

    I believe that God would have you be faithful to reach people with the tools that you have at your disposal during this period in history. There will still be many people who will prefer to come and join the service live on Sundays, and we love that.

    There will also be many people who prefer to join in the message from the convenience of their homes. Yet these same people will be active participants in Bible studies, outreach events, home gatherings, and more. The wrong thing to do is to fight it. You will not win. The right thing to do is to embrace this reality, and adapt your strategy. You should be creating videos and message content throughout the week on social media and your website. Not just on Sundays. If convenience is what people need, deliver the Gospel to them right where they are at. Soon, you should be putting your very best stuff online instead of just focusing on the in-person experience.

    As an example, I’d like you to think of your church as if you were the executive director of the TV show Saturday Night Live (SNL). It’s a pretty raunchy show, so this is not an endorsement…but it is a great analogy. It would be a pretty cool experience to sit in the Saturday Night Live audience and experience the music and entertainment in person. But how many seats are in that studio? Right under two hundred. The whole experience is primarily built as a TV program for the at-home viewer, not the live audience. Even though they only have two hundred seats, their audience can be measured in the millions. If SNL was primarily an in-person show, they would not have nearly the reach that they have now. The directors of SNL tailored the content for the people sitting in their living rooms eating Doritos.

    Your church should be thought of in a similar way. Yes the in-person Sunday services should be powerful and a great experience. However, as more and more people get used to being spiritually fed through online channels, your church needs to be producing your best media for those people. This does not replace community and relationships; it simply changes where they consume the message. If you think I am crazy, just go check your livestream stats. Almost all the churches we work with are already experiencing more people online than in person.

    Community, relationships, and gatherings will still happen. But your online members should no longer be considered second-class citizens.

    Pro Tip – Make a short, candid video that releases on Facebook and Instagram one hour before your service that welcomes viewers and gives an overview of what you are teaching on. If you do this every week, it will remind people to tune in.

    View the entire teaching / training series on church marketing here: CHURCH MARKETING TRAINING